If you have ever lived or worked in a small town, you will know what I mean when I say that small town politics are big business. That circle gets even smaller if you are in education in a small town. Several years ago there were issues with the school board wanting to get rid of an excellent athletic director because of the usual - have a bad season and off you go. I decided to take a stand on my blog and I went on to question why we had a member of the school board who sent his own kids to private school or another who chose to go the route of home school. Seriously, these were the people on the school board (I think some of them may still be there, and to them I offer a major raspberry); they had no investment in the school system yet they were making decisions that affected the entire community. Of course, the people that elected them to the school board were just as moronic, but I digress.
It came to the attention of the school board and the superintendent what I was saying on my blog and they decided to make an example of me. The principal called me into his office, where the superintendent was waiting for me. They had me sign some papers stating that I was being suspended because I wasn't "teaching during class time" but reassured me that I would still get full pay and full benefits. At first I was upset but then I realized what a joke it was. Everyone thought it was a joke. I mean, really, they got me for "not teaching" and suspended me for that?!? One student dated a basketball coach and nothing happened there, but talk about the school board and watch out! I know it was related to my blog because while I was gone the superintendent asked a co-worker if I had mentioned him in my blog lately. Idiot.
I had racked up a ton of frequent flier miles the year before, so I made some reservations and took off for a week in Disneyland. It was fantastic. I took behind the scenes tours that I had always wanted to take. I was able to ride what I wanted, when I wanted. Not only that, but when most of the cast members of Disneyland found out I was traveling solo, they gave me preferential treatment (one kind lady even told me to get out of line and sent me to the ride's exit, where she promptly put me on the ride).

We got a new superintendent and new principal not too long after that. I told the new principal that I had a habit of always speaking my mind, no matter what. He said that at least he would always know where he stood with me (and he did - we butted heads a lot).
So, I guess the moral of the story from my point of view is that if I like you and I believe in you, I will support you no matter what the cost. I'm sure the CCISD files say otherwise, but I'd much rather be known as the person who will stand up for what I believe in, no matter what.
Awesome! Small town educational politics are wild! You have to stand for what you believe and not be afraid of the consequences!
ReplyDeleteI was always glad I didn't live there. It kept me out of a lot of the political drama of elections and such.